Church Hill Elementary School
Our Work in Church Hill - 9 Reviews

Church Hill Elementary School is located in Church Hill, TN. It serves middl e school students from grades 3 through 5.
The elementary is a part of the Jefferson County School System and has an enrollment of over 700 students.
Church Hill Elementary School is different than other schools in many ways. The first way it's unique is that it offers classes for homeschooled children to attend if they want to learn more about certain subjects such as science or history. Another unique aspect of CHES is their community garden, where the kids can grow gardens containing fruits and vegetables which are then used by the school cafeteria to make salads and use as ingredients for other things served at lunch. CHES also runs an after-school program called "Kids on Campus" where students can do homework and play. They also offer different clubs such as chess club, art club, and others.
Church Hill Elementary is a great school that offers their community many things in order to benefit the lives of the children who attend
Custom Heating and Air Conditioning
Business Information:
Areas We Serve in Church Hill, Tennessee:
- 37642 and 37645
- Agape Lawncare, Baysview, Campbell St, Chantay Spivey, Deerfield, East Mainers, Goshen Valley, Greenland Estates, Kingshill, New Canton, Parkview, Rameytown, Riverbend Shoals, Sensabaugh Hollow, Tree Business, and Wallen Town
Find Us Here:
Custom Heating and Air Conditioning
119 E Main Blvd, Church Hill, TN 37642